【3/3】(分組表 Group list)TPCA泰國高爾夫球聯誼賽 TPCA Thailand Golf Tournament
支持單位:Thailand Printed Circuit Association (THPCA)協辦單位:TPCA泰國PCB聯誼會
贊助單位:展昭國際企業股份有限公司、LH Bank (中國信託泰國子行)、凱基證券(泰國)
- 球賽日期:2024年3月3日 (日)
- 球賽地點:Royal Bang Pa-in Golf Club
Add:19 Bang Krasan, Bang Pa-in District, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya (MAP) TEL:+66 63 195 2286
- 報到時間:11:00am-12:00pm前完成報到手續 (用午餐)
- 開球時間:12:30 pm準時多洞開球。
- 晚宴安排:晚餐於賽後球場餐廳用餐,同時舉行頒獎典禮。
- 分組方式:採事先分組,比賽當日恕不接受換組,遲到者不予計分。分組名單於活動當天公布TPCA官網最新消息。
>去程:10:00發車 (請提前10分鐘抵達上球具,車程約70分鐘)
發車地點:Avani Sukhumvit Bangkok Hotel (Sukhumvit Rd, Prakanong Nua Watthana, Bangkok 10260,BTS Sukhumvit Line - On Nut Station旁)
發車地點:Royal Bang Pa-in Golf Club (19 Bang Krasan, Bang Pa-in District, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 13160)
11:00-12:00 報到/用餐
12:20-12:30 球賽團體大合影
12:30-17:00 開球/球賽進行
18:00-20:00 晚宴交流暨頒獎典禮
備註:1. 球具袋請寫上您的英文名字(同報名表),以利桿弟查找。
2. 繳交之參賽費不含其他賣店個人消費,球場沒有消費本,賣店不掛帳,須當場結帳。
3. 泰國球場桿弟額外小費請自行給付現金(約500泰銖,請備足額,不便找零)。
4. 若活動有臨時異動,將以Email即時通知,並於TPCA官網公告。
TPCA承辦窗口:邱馨加Vicky/王素娟Ann +886-972-719729 vicky_chiu@tpca.org.tw / ann@tpca.org.tw
Organizer: Taiwan Printed Circuit Association (TPCA)
Supporter: Thailand Printed Circuit Association (THPCA)
Co-Organizer: TPCA Thailand Sodality
Sponsor: Chan Chao International Co, Ltd., LH Bank (a subsidiary of CTBC Bank), KGI Securities Thailand
1. Date: Mar. 3 (Sun.), 2024
2. Location: Royal Bang Pa-in Golf Club
Address: 19 Bang Krasan, Bang Pa-in District, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya (MAP) Tel: +66 63 195 2286
3. Check-in: 11:00AM -12:00PM (Lunch)
4. Tee-Off: 12:30 pm
5. Awards banquet: The Awards banquet will be held after the tournament in the golf club restaurant.
6. Grouping Method:Pre-register as the same team on the enrollment form to confirm your participation. The list will be announced before the tournament, and no changes will be accepted on the day of the event. Latecomers will not be eligible for scoring. The group list will be announced on the TPCA official website on the day of the event.
7. Shuttle:Shuttle Bus Departure Information:
> Outbound Departure Time: 10:00 (Please gather 10 mins in advance) (≒70 mins)
Outbound Departure Location: Avani Sukhumvit Bangkok Hotel (Sukhumvit Rd, Prakanong Nua Watthana, Bangkok 10260, next to BTS Sukhumvit Line - On Nut Station)
> Inbound Departure Time: 20:00 (≒70 mins)
Inbound Departure Location: Royal Bang Pa-in Golf Club (19 Bang Krasan, Bang Pa-in District, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 13160)
8. Form of Play: New-New Peoria
9. Refund matters: Cancellation before March 1 (Fri.) is eligible for fully refund. If unable to attend on the day of the event, a substitute representative may be appointed, and NO refunds in such cases.
10. Event Schedule:
11:00-12:00 Registration/Lunch
12:20-12:30 Group Photo for the Golf Tournament
12:30-17:00 Tee-off / Golf Tournament
18:00-20:00 Dinner Banquet and Award Ceremony
1. Please show your English name (the same as enrollment form) on golf bag for the caddy to easily locate.
2. The Enrollment fee does not cover personal expenses at the shops. There is no charge card, the shop need to pay on-site.
3. Tip for the caddy in Thailand is suggested to be 500 Thai Baht, please pay in cash.
4. If there are any changes, we will notify immediately via email and announce on the TPCA official website.
Contact Person:
Vicky / Ann +886-972-719729 vicky_chiu@tpca.org.tw / ann@tpca.org.tw
(額滿,截止報名;Full, the registration is closed)
【2024 TPCA泰國高爾夫球聯誼賽】
>>點選下載報名表 Download the Enrollment Form<<
支持單位:Thailand Printed Circuit Association (THPCA)
贊助單位:展昭國際企業股份有限公司、LH Bank (中國信託泰國子行)、凱基證券(泰國)
- 球賽日期:2024年3月3日 (日)
- 球賽地點:Royal Bang Pa-in Golf Club
Add:19 Bang Krasan, Bang Pa-in District, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya (MAP)
TEL:+66 63 195 2286
- 報到時間:11:00am-12:00pm前完成報到手續 (提供午餐)
- 開球時間:12:30 pm準時多洞開球。
- 晚宴安排:晚餐於賽後球場餐廳用餐,同時舉行頒獎典禮。
- 邀請對象:TPCA會員、參展廠商、產業嘉賓等。
- 報名費用:(費用包含果嶺費、午/晚餐費、活動保險費,不包含其他個人消費。)
1 |
早鳥優惠價NT$3,800 |
2/7(三)前凡TPCA會員、展商完成報名繳費者,享有早鳥優惠價,額滿為止。 |
2 |
原價NT$4,800 |
2/8(四)起報名以及非會員者。 |
3 |
退費事宜 |
賽事3/1(五)前取消可辦理全額退費; 若活動當日臨時不克出席者,可另行派員代替,恕不退費。 |
- 名額:60位(15組),報名截止:2024年2月22日 (四),額滿即不再受理報名。
- 計分方式:新新貝利亞。
- 分組方式:採事先分組,欲安排同組之隊友請彼此聯繫確認後回覆,若無則依TPCA安排為準,分組名單於賽前公布,比賽當日恕不接受換組,遲到者不予計分。
- 接駁車:安排接駁車往返Avani Sukhumvit Bangkok Hotel(暫定)與Royal Bang Pa-in Golf Club,詳細時間及地點會再公告,如有需求請先登記。
邱馨加 +886-3-3815659分機204 vicky_chiu@tpca.org.tw
廖于慈 +886-3-3815659分機205 ann_liao@tpca.org.tw (報名確認)
【2024 TPCA Thailand Golf Tournament】
Date: Mar. 3 (Sun.), 2024
Location: Royal Bang Pa-in Golf Club (Tel: +66 63 195 2286)
Address: 19 Bang Krasan, Bang Pa-in District, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya (MAP)
Check-in: 11:00AM -12:00PM (Lunch) Tee-Off: 12:30PM Enrollment Deadline: Feb. 22 (Thu.), 2024
Awards banquet: The Awards banquet will be held after the tournament in the golf club restaurant.
Invitee: TPCA members, exhibitors, Industry VIPs
Fees: Early bird:NTD 3,800 (Before Feb. 7)
->TPCA members and exhibitors who complete the registration and payment will have the early bird discount.
Original Price:NTD 4,800 (Feb. 8- Feb. 22)
->During Feb. 8- Feb. 22, or non-TPCA members.
(The Fees Includes green fees, lunch/dinner, and activity insurance fees, excluding other personal expenses.)
Refund matters: Cancellation before March 1 (Fri.) is eligible for fully refund. If unable to attend on the day of the event, a substitute representative may be appointed, and NO refunds in such cases.
Quota: 60 participants (15 groups)
Form of Play: New-New Peoria
Grouping Method: If applicable, please contact your teammates before the event and pre-register as the same team on the enrollment form to confirm your participation. If not, groupings arrangements will be made by TPCA. The list will be announced before the tournament, and no changes will be accepted on the day of the event. Latecomers will not be eligible for scoring.
Shuttle:Shuttle bus service is available to and from Avani Sukhumvit Bangkok Hotel (tentative) and Royal Bang Pa-in Golf Club. Detailed schedule will be announced later. Please pre-register if necessary.
Organizer: Taiwan Printed Circuit Association (TPCA)
Supporter: Thailand Printed Circuit Association (THPCA)
Co-Organizer: TPCA Thailand Sodality
Sponsor: Chan Chao International Co, Ltd.,
LH Bank (a subsidiary of CTBC Bank),
KGI Securities Thailand
※Tip for the caddy in Thailand is suggested to be 500 Thai Baht, please pay in cash.
Contact Person: Vicky Chiu/ Ann Liao (T):+886-3-3815659 ext.204/205 (C):+886-972719729
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